The Mission

Our mission is to help all who come to get connected to the body and our pastor as the Word of God teaches us that we are joined and knit together. This helps to facilitate development and growth as a Christ follower. Through the teaching gift of our pastor and other ministers connected to our church, you will receive in-depth teaching to fully develop in your walk with God. This empowers us to not only have our life changed, but to change others as well.

The Vision

As we become disciples of Christ, and we learn how to walk in the fullness of our relationship with God, we become a light to the world to impact others through Christ. This is accomplished through personal evangelism, and also outreaches from our church which include family movie nights, the Ponder Polar Express, and witnessing at other events. We also utilize media through which our church reaches many lives around the world. We support missions work through others ministries we have relationship with that impacts thousands each year.